
Translation, Proofreading, Website translation, Interpretation

The Company offers the entire range of its services in the following languages:

Albanian Esperanto Japanese Portuguese
Arabic Estonian Korean Romanian
Bosniac Finnish Latin Russian
Bulgarian Flemish Latvian Serbian
Chinese French Lithuanian Slovakian
Croat German Macedonian Slovenian
Czech Greek Mandarian Spanish
Danish Hebrew Mongolian Swedish
Dutch Hungarian Norwegian Turkish
English Italian Polish Ukrainian

The Translation Center offers technical translation and proofreading services in the fields of banking, economics, finances, accounting, legal documents, medicine, pharmaceutics, technology, quality assurance, training and education, information technology, agriculture and environmental protection.


The Translation Center does not charge extra fees for the following services:

Exceptionally urgent, large-volume assignments (translation of documents in excess of 100 pages for close schedules)
Translation of technical texts Terminological integration


Special discounts are provided for our contracted clients!

Software Localization

Through an entire range of software localization services, we help our clients succeed in the international market by localizing their software applications and products. Our service ensures that all localized software is linguistically, functionally, and culturally flawless.

Software localization is the adaptation of user-interface, technical documentation and help files for non-native environments, especially other cultures and nations. These separate processes must be coordinated in order to ensure the maximum cost savings and quality of the final product.

Our localization engineers and translators combine the industry's advanced technical knowledge, cost-effective solutions and client-oriented focus.